Random Number Generator
Looking to generate a random number between 2 values? This is the app for you. Simply input two numbers and generate a random number within the two values.
Generate Number
Random String Generator
The random string generator is great for creating complex passwords that are difficult to guess. This application allows you to generate any number of random strings up to 10K at a time. You can also choose the length of the string up to 25 characters and you can choose if you want to include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters, and special characters.
Generate String
Tip Calculator
Have a hard time figuring out how much tip to leave after dinner or any other reason? Simply input your bill total, slide the tip percentage slider to what you want to leave and click "get tip". You will then be given the tip amount and the total with tip.
Tip Calculator
Reverse Date Converter
Select a date and time and convert it into the PHP time() function. This will allow you to take a selected date and time and convert it into a unique id.
Covert Date/Time